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Our mission is to assist our customers to increase their productivity and profitability by providing quality solutions for software products. We will accomplish this by providing knowledgeable staff committed to customer success and satisfaction. Our staff will be dedicated to continuous education and improvement, honesty, and working diligently for the goals of our customers.


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JD Edwards Contact           

Data/3, SIM/400, KBM Contact

Multi-Lingual/400  & BCD/Presto!

Kevin Mahaney

(513) 235-0982     

Ken Mong

(814) 437-2822 ext. 5

Kevin Mahaney

(513) 235-0982     

Financial Officer:  Kathy Erby                                                       

Sales Manager Phone: (844) 802-8836                                         

Corporate Phone: (814) 437-2822                                                           

Corporate Headquarters

World Class Information Systems, Inc.

484 Allegheny Boulevard

Franklin, Pennsylvania 16323-6260

Customer focused since 1990
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